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Monday, April 30, 2018

14th & 15th Week of 2018

Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. Indeed, it is so much tougher to keep up when you are no longer in the office, I often see 3 weeks fly in a blink of an eye! And this keeps happening!! I need help!!

So here's a little entry for 11th April through 25th April 2018.

I was suppose to do a video assignment on 11th but centre was closed due to the outbreak, so I had mine postponed to 18th. My secret journey begins and for that I shall write later down the years when I am strong enough to write about it. 

My husband began his part time school on 16th. And on 24th Mom was down with bad cramping followed by fever.. Which subsequently ends up with hospital emergency which require surgery asap, and was quickly scheduled for 25th.

Yep. This two weeks is a really short entry.. I am left with just a week of being unemployed, and I will need to prep myself to resume working life..

If anything, I shall just write about my life as an unemployed over the past two months, and the reflection I had so far.

I realized how much home makers struggle to make the money enough. To somehow earn whatever little they can to call it their own to help pay bills or just to buy that dish she had wanted for a long time. I dont mind the neverending chores and the empty wall I stare when I wondered what to cook for the day.. I just struggled with the financial bit, after more than 10 yrs of having my own salary to spend, it was indeed a big struggle to depend on the husband for every little purchases you want to make. 

However hard it was, I am still hoping to settle down being a home maker in 5-7 years down the road, I find more joy being at home doing what I like and enjoy without the pressure of keeping my bosses or colleagues happy. I only had myself to answer to. It was stressful, indeed, but I still find more joy despite the lack of money to spend. 

Oh I had A & H back in my crib, I am so blessed to care easy kids, really. Which makes me wish adoption fees in Sg can be cheaper. Anyhoos.. I guess I will just end it short this time. I guess people are just on the edge if they find out what my new job is. It doesn't pay that much money wise, but I feel it is more rewarding and it is my choice. I could have stayed in my old field and earn 3 folds, but i choose to be in this new field where it pays me a third of what I am used to, it will surely be a big struggle. InsyaAllah with the blessing of my mother and husband, I will strive and step up stronger, better and more humble.

Until my next entry,


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