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Wednesday, May 03, 2017

4 of 12 months of 2017

Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. February went zoomed past me, and today is already the 4th week of April! Now let's catch up...

I started my April with confinement meal.. I ordered my healthy 20day lunch package from Kak Dyy. And yes, my lunch are healthy confinement meals... Kak Dyy is pretty widely known to all moms going through confinement for her delicious healthy meals. Meals that includes vegetables and greens that were known to be consumed to its last drop by those who usually avoid green for its infamous distasteful manner, maybe. But Kak Dyy's meals.. hmm.. nothing short of anything delicious.

And before you jump on me with questions, well no. I am not pregnant, and no, I did not miscarried, and no, I didn't give birth. I ordered this just because. I know I need to get on a healthy regime if I really want a baby, so this is part of my effort. Fret not though, I am not hoping high and hallucinating, just putting in some effort, afterall my body and health is also a form of amanah, right?

Some may say it is a waste of money, but if you have tasted Kak Dyy's food, you'd know your money is put to real good use. For the portion and wonderful burst of great taste (some of which you never knew existed), you'd be happy to spend that much.

I spoke to Kak Dyy all the wayyyy back in 2016. I keep asking her if I can slot in for lunch set for 20 days or something like that, but to always give moms who are really in confinement priority at any time. So I got in the April '17 slot, and since I only work 4 days a week, my 20 days stretch well over a month. :) If I don't get pregnant, I do sure hope I gain some weight!

Who would have guessed I would enjoy the brown rice, and pucuk manis and papaya broth, and scones.. haha.

I haven't touched/started on my orders yet.. Falling sick, and getting caught up with gatherings and celebrations and what not.

BUT, I got myself an embroidery machine. A second hand machine, and boy I got hooked. I brought it home 2nd week of April, bought materials and got going to test a few designs almost right away. At this rate, I will surely outgrow the 4x4inch hoop. Pfft. But it is good, until I get more monies, I will drive me to be creative and make do with what I have to create something challenging. So why not?

It got me researching on embroidery design softwares and what nots. Which is really really interesting, but definitely not cheap, and not straight forward if you are gonna design it yourself. It sure will have a steep learning curve.

Oh I tried making a 3-6month size romper.. A lil disaster at the crotch, so that needs some practice..

I got sick a little bit more often this month, the never ending cough, the frequent visit, it makes me lose some of my best momentum in making it for my orders on my usual speed. It is down to zero or maybe just a 3/10 speed right now. And that's why I don't fancy falling sick. When I felt better, work in the office envelope me to stay in the office till after 7pm. So I got home tired, and not up for cutting and sewing apparels. Since I was so addicted, I found myself embroidering. It is the only thing that didn't require me to be too spot on, since they will all be my tests or trials and errors, so I allow myself to make mistakes, and rid off my deep desire to just be productive of some kind.

While recuperating, the husband got fun things for me in the last weekend of April.

We went to Marina Barrage for kite flying and had a good walk around since we were all on public. I has some last minute sewing because it was so sunny and I won't want Baby M to get burnt.

So enjoy my April photos!

Captions will be added later! I gotta run now!

Until I blog again,


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