Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog.
I know and well aware that I've haven't been blogging reviews for awhile now, in fact I have been "missing" for 4 weeks!
Been overwhelmed with a lot of work lately which means too much of late nights in the office.. Still, it is not an excuse, right? So here's to my many overdue reviews!!
We all know, I only patron Muslimah Hair Salon since I don the hijab except for that one occassion after my accident, in which I had difficulties and resort of some place I regretted patronizing.
What makes a Muslimah Hair Salon?
As Muslimahs, we are to protect our aurat, and hair is one of them. We don't wish for any males to peek in and watch our hair getting done. Therefore, a Muslimah Hair Salon needs to have that privacy covered, have their doors tinted to opaque, or have curtains to cover behind the doors. It is a MUST, definitely.
To be honest, that is all it takes to make a Muslimah Hair Salon. Everything else may remain the same as any other hair salons you see out there.
How many Muslimah Hair Salon are there in Singapore?
Hmmm.. With Mr Google helped, it led me to this list:
Faredah Muslimah Hair Salon
Located at Blk 824, Tampines St 81
An Nisaa Muslimah Hairdressing Salon
Located at No 726, North Bridge Road
Yasmin Hair Studio for Muslimah
Located at Blk 326, Woodlands St 32
Jannah Muslimah Hair Salon
Located at 970, Geylang Road
Salon Khairunnisa Hair Beauty & Spa
Located atKembangan Plaza, 18 Jln Masjid
Nora Muslimah Hair Salon
Located at Blk 491, Jurong West Ave 1
I have personally been to Yasmin Hair Studio and Nora Muslimah Hair Salon ONLY. And so I can only review these two mentioned, insyaAllah, if time permits, I shall give the other salons a try. And below shall me my utmost honest comparison and personal choice, ya. Both businesses did not pay me for this review, nor was I given any free services to do this review. All visits to their salon are personally paid for by my own hard earn money. Any discounts, however, is out of goodwill and is NOT in any way linked to my intention to write about them in my blog.
Yasmin Hair Studio vs Nora Muslimah Hair Salon
Yasmin Hair Studio (YHS)
Picture is taken from Muslimah Hair Salon FB Page |
Rating 3 out of 5
Nearest MRT: Marsiling, about 5-10minutes walk.
Buses: 187,856, 925, 926, 950, 960, 961, 963, 966
However, for those with accompanying husbands, the place there has nothing for the husband. No where to sit, except a coffee shop (but I did not check if there are any Malay/Muslim Stalls). So if your husband is going to babysit the child while you are it, the husband better have plans to go elsewhere and not just around the area - well unless you stay around there.
Nora Muslimah Hair Salon (NMHS)
Picture is taken from Nora Muslimah Hair Salon FB Page |
Rating 3 out of 5
Nearest MRT: Lakeside or Chinese Garden
Buses : 335 from Chinese Garden, 49 from Lakeside MRT, other buses include: 98,99,157,185,187,198,334,502,542 & 657
However, for those with accompanying husbands, the place is great! Plenty of kopitiams. If he babysits children, he has an option to treat the children for MacDonalds! It is very nearby, so for SOS cases, like in exclusively breastmilk babies, he can just run to the Salon, and call you so you can rescue the baby, in within 5-10mins, probably less considering the emergency, yes? *winks*
My personal rating for NMHS is actually a 4, as it is near me (I am residing in Clementi), and the fact that it has more amenities nearby for husband and baby/children.
Rating 3 out of 5
Liza (the salon owner) is reserved and someone of little words. It is either the TV or the radio on to keep you company. Unless you ask her, she hardly talks. It depends how you see it, some people just want to get their hair done and nothing of a small talk kindda service, then perhaps this is for you with a 5 star rating. I often fall asleep after awhile because it is very quiet and falling asleep with a steamer in your head seems to make some sense.
Rating 5 out of 5
Nora (the salon owner) is total opposite of Liza. She is highly service oriented, and will keep you entertained even when you really just want to sleep while your hair takes the hour to steam up. Don't worry, you can just tell her if you really just want to nap, I doubt she'd bite you for that!
She can talk about 1001 things, you name it, she can relate! Her salon has a TV as well, so we ended up talking about more than just 1001 things. Anyhoo, she is one with a basket full of advice (hair wise!), if you are torn between ten haircuts, show it to her, and she will list down all the pros and cons considering your hair texture and even goes on to tell you what kind of maintenance that new haircut would cost you. However, decision is still yours to make, so it is ultimately your choice to heed her advice or otherwise. I went ahead with my bob as opposed to the suggested concave cut Nora suggested. Oh no, she didnt bite me.
Rating 3 out of 5
I had only done Henna Treatment, and nothing else. As mentioned, Liza is more reserved, so I guess there is no need to suggest anything more than what I want.
Rating 5 out of 5
I took up her promotion for the 3 treatments as follows:
Henna Treatment: Nora uses real fresh henna leaves, pounded to paste and left overnight to sit before she uses them to treat the oily scalp - this I can tell by the freshest smell of Henna. (Powdered Henna can smell strong, but it lacks the fresh smell. This I can personally tell as we used to grow our Henna Leaves back in our Pasir Panjang house, so I still remember how it is like to have fresh henna leaves pounded, the distinctive smell, you just cannot forget that)
Tree Tea Oil: This treatment helps balances your scalp to a neutral, leaving your head light and fresh.
Pearl Masque: For the delicate hair to remain silky smooth.
The Verdict
Clearly, my personal winner is...
She won me at her location really. Having my husband to care for Baby M with the hot weather, for over 2 hours was clearly an achievement, I have never really left my husband alone with Baby M without me on the side keeping a hawk eye on both of them. Not that I don't trust my husband to care for Baby M, he clearly has so much for her. I just wasn't sure if Baby M can put up with the hot weather and if she can communicate with my husband if she wants milk or anything for that matter. So far, she has been amazing, and for the past 2 weekend or so, she has been telling us if she wants her milk.
And of course, with her way in keeping me well awake through the 2hours, I can hardly keep myself awake at YHS. I am coming back for a second session, no doubt!
I am not sure if I would actually try the other salons, mainly because of the location.. East is too far for me la!
Anyways, if you have been there, or if you have done a review write up for the rest of the other salons, please do share. We have got Muslimahs wanting to try yes?
Btw, here are their FB Page for you to take a look at
Have a great Hair Day, Ladies! And husbands, you should really let your wives indulge in some hair theraphy. It goes a long way!
Assalammualaikum ladies, pls note that Nora Muslimah Hair Salon has closed shop. Refer
to this entry for an update. InsyaAllah a new review will follow very soon about another Muslimah Hair Salon located in the west of Spore ya.