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Monday, February 17, 2025

Not sure what happened, suddenly it is 2025!

Assalammu'alaikum family, friends, readers and followers of this blog. Well, at this rate I am guessing entries would go in batches of 4 maybe 5 years once.

Many wonderful things happened. Some red flags at that, so not a good kindda "what a year it had been to me" kindda but a bad, rough kind. And masyaAllah, many good tidings follow too. 

2022 was a year of me finding myself career wise, scrapped whatever I said in the last entry (the one about how I love the company, I don't. I realised how shitty it was, and I searched for greener pasture which in turn lay it out for me on how underpaid I was!), and so I left the place of no joy to one with greater support, Alhamdulillah. Found better, greater people, on top of better pay too. 

2023 was great, then 2024 was filled with trials and tests. Alhamdulillah,  Allah SWT brings me such tests to lift me up, to strengthen me, to guide me and brought me people to gain more knowledge together. Alhamdulillah. Tabarakallah to everyone. 

2025 is filled with classes and events so far. One of which was last week. Here's my summary of it. May you find some use and manfaat from it as well.

Until I pen my thoughts and blog again,
